The Government is doing all that it can to prevent O20 struggle

The progressive sector of Korea have been active with preparations for the O20 struggle coming up and interest and participation is higher than ever.
Groups in the preparatory committee are busy organizing and coordinating for the struggle. A joint concert and culture festival was held a few days ago, in which actors, bands, and musical artists were present to voice their opposition to neo-liberal globalization, and international financial institutions. Students have been holding rallies, discussions, and other events with the purpose of raising awareness among the public about the effects of investment treaties and globalization. Many joint discussions and debates have been held on the effects of globalization.

Actor Moon Sung-Geun's speech at the concert: "Koreans related to the
movie industry have been involved in a year long struggle against plans by the government to liberalize the movie industry by agreeing to an investment treaty with the U.S. If this treaty is concluded, U.S. capital will swamp our movie industry and we will never again be able to movies that we make and we produce. We will never again be able to make, or watch movies that deal with our history, our culture, our people, and our perspective. The Korea-U.S. bi-lateral investment treaty is just another form of cultural imperialism. We oppose neo-liberal globalization which destroys cultural and artistic diversity and we declare our solidarity to the struggle against globalization." was just one of countless voices against investment treaties and the free trade order during the preparatory process for the O20 struggles.

Workers have started off the struggle against the Kim Dae-Jung government's plans for further privatization and foreign sale of the public sector with a huge rally, jointly organized by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and the Federation of KoreanTrade Unions, on the 8th against plans for re-structuring and privatization(close to 50,000 workers took part in this struggle). The National Health Insurance Corporation Union (and their 10.000 members) has decided that they will go on strike for the duration of the summit meetings and are planning on gathering in Seoul to participate in the O20 struggles against globalization. The Korean Metal Workers Federation, the largest affiliate of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, is currently going through a discussion process to decide if they will do the same. The National Street Vendors Union, angered by the government's decision to clear away street vendors for the Meetings (in the process denying them of their livelihood) have resolved to initiate an all out struggle against the government's oppression at the O20 struggle as well.

The joint independent media project group for ASEM 2000 has been working hard to bring the live voices of the people leading up to the O20 struggle. Independent media activists have been busy reporting on the preparations for the O20 struggle, and the materials they have produced have been piling up. We are in the process of converting this material into English, our first visual data is being uploaded on to our homepage as we speak. Many articles and updates have been written and updates sent out. Visit their work at the KoPA homepage!!(

The government is doing all that it can to prevent the success of this struggle. A recent news article reported on the government putting pressure on the police and corporations located in the vicinity of the ASEM tower to ban any demonstrations or rallies in the area during the meetings. As in Seattle, the area around the conference area will be off limits during the duration of the meetings, and as in Prague. Around 30,000 policemen will be stationed to block demonstrations at the site of the meetings. A clash seems unavoidable at this point in time.

We have received many messages of solidarity and support from activists abroad, but as we have let you know in previous newsletters, it is vital for our movement that progressive activists and organizations support us and our cause. We once again ask that you let other organizations, activists, and contacts about this struggle. Organize discussions, organize actions if possible, and please let us know about your thoughts. Your solidarity will
be a great help to our common cause. The pieces for an exciting struggle are falling into place, every one of your messages of support count!!

The two joint coalitions organizing for the O20 actions in Seoul are:

-The Korean People's Action Against Investment Treaties and the WTO (KoPA) is a people's network opposed to the MAI and the WTO, composed of more than 40 social, labor and citizen's movement organizations. Its aim is to make people recognize clearly the negative effects of the WTO, and also to stop the on-going negotiations of Bilateral Investment Treaties(BIT) between Korea and U.S / Korea and Japan. KoPA focuses on four issues mainly; first, opposition to the investment treaties and the WTO. Secondly, control of transnational financial capital, thirdly, cancellation of foreign debt and redistribution to people, and the lastly stopping the IMF's SAPs. It also stress the importance of international solidarity in the development of its struggles.

-The People's Rally Committee is a composed of the major people's
organizations in Korea, including the Korean Confederation of Trade
Unions(KCTU), the Korean Farmer's League(KFL), and the National Union of the Poor. It organizes The People's Rally to defend the people's livelihood and basic rights against capital and the government's neo-liberal policies

The Struggle of the People Continues in Seoul!!
An Immediate Stop to Neo-Liberal Globalization!!

More information on the actions can be seen at:

Regular updates on the preparations for the ASEM action can be heard through the internet broadcasts at:

Contact us at:

Korean People's Action against Investment Treaties and the WTO(KoPA) / People's Rally Committee

** This newsletter is originally from the Policy and Information Center for International Solidarity (PICIS: Newsletter Team